“Words are only painted fire; a look is the fire itself.”
~Mark Twain

The frustration of Harper being denied her voice

We have been trying to obtain the Tobii Digital Eye Gaze Communication device since May 6, 2013!! We were denied at the end of  2013 and resubmitted January 1, 2014.  Medicaid asked for clarification and that was submitted February 10th.   March 10th Tobii Funding called and Medicaid had status as “pending” and asked Tobii rep to call back in a week.  The rep has called every week with no answers!

To better understand what an eye gaze device post is and how it helps Harper and other nonverbal individuals like her, please see our post from last year “Beautiful CDKL5 Eyes”. We celebrated her FIRST USE of the device with amazing results…and she had been wait-listed for a year prior to that to be able to have access to it then!

So overall, it has been 2 years that Harper has been trying to obtain a digital eye gaze communication device.

The ‘eyes’ have it…..COMMUNICATION POTENTIAL! Why are they blind?

Harper CAN COMMUNICATE when she is able to use this device. How in the world is she ever to have the potential to become a functioning  member of society without it?


Medicaids Claim:  Harper has not proven her ability to use the device.  What do you think?